Wednesday 18 March 2009

Right, where were we?

So, having now remembering my blog's password I think I should start uploading all the stuff i've been up to right from the very beginning, the storyboard

I'd say the timing is a but off, but you can get the idea of what's going on. The "student" character needs some sort of reason as to why he's so intreeged by what's in the newspaper. Obviously things have changed since this early storyboard but this was what was going through my head at the time.

Right, I'm off to get some work finished off and then I'm off to watch Iniana Jones and the last crusade, been doing an Inday film a night thing with my flatmate matt. They're both entertaining and good films to study camera shots and angles. I'll be uploading character and background designs tomorrow.

In a bit! =]

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